Expanded Edition


Expanded Edition .

The Essential Guide To A Healthy Child: Expanded Edition

Children’s Health A-Z is a compilation of the advice Dr Masson has given to her patients over many years. Her approach to always look for the underlying cause of any problem and then address the cause in the most effective yet gentle and non-toxic way has helped thousands of children around the world to become healthier and happier.

The book describes a natural approach to supporting your child through the coughs and colds, ear aches, tummy upsets and mild infections that are part of growing up. Paediatrician and mother of two Dr Leila Masson shares a treasure trove of essential advice, part old-fashioned common sense and part cutting-edge research on nutrition, supplements and health. Her aim is to provide you with the tools to confidently support your child through many common illnesses at home, but at the same time equip you with the knowledge of when to seek medical advice.

Reader’s Reviews

Dr Leila Masson’s A- Z on health is just amazing. I recommend it to all my clients and use it myself for my own 3 boys. It is so empowering to be able to use natural treatments and remedies rather than just standard antibiotics and pain relief from pharmaceuticals. Learning about health and understanding the fundamentals of immunity is a must for all parents. It is such a wonderful feeling being able to avoid going to the Dr and using medications, turning to natural herbs and supplements instead for support.
— https://www.fishpond.com.au
As a new mum and working nutritionist, I highly recommend this book! I’m often scanning pages and sending them off to family and other mums because the information is so practical and keeps us all managing our children’s health without the need for regular doctor visits or antibiotics. It’s become a bible on our shelves!
— https://www.fishpond.com.au
Such an excellent book, I recommend it to all I know, very practical and well written. The only gift you need to give to families this holiday season.
— https://www.fishpond.com.au
This book is my go-to every time our 3 children fall ill, its full of helpful remedies which really work and it is so easy to use and follow.
— https://www.fishpond.com.au
A fantastic resource to have on hand. Great easy to understand advice and recommendations. A must-have!
— https://www.fishpond.com.au