Clinic Consultation Fees


First appointment

First appointment (45-60 minutes) $480

Medicare rebate for children with at least 2 problems (including physical health, development, behaviour).

$227.70 (referral from GP required)

Follow up appointments

Follow up appointment (20-30 minutes) $240

Medicare rebate for children as above for the first 2 follow-up appointments: $114

From the third follow up appointment the rebate is $65.20

Brief appointments

Brief appointments (up to 15 minutes) $120

Medicare rebate $65.20

Scripts, referrals, short letters without an appointment $30 (no rebate)

Please note

Phone and skype appointments are billed at the same rates as above.

If you live in a remote area you will receive an additional rebate from Medicare for telehealth/skype consults. If you do not live in a telehealth eligible area Medicare will not pay any rebate.

You need to live in a Modified Monash Model area 4-7 to be eligible for a Medicare rebate for skype consults. You can enter your address in this map and go to Department of Health – custom remoteness classification and tick “Modified Monash Model (2015)” to see if you are eligible:

Once you have met the extended Medicare safety net (EMSN) threshold the rebate is 80% of the fee. The threshold is reset on January 1st of every year. The current threshold is (please check with Medicare for updates): - $668.10 for Commonwealth concession cardholders, including those with a Health Care Card and people who receive Family Tax Benefit - $2,093.30 for all other singles and families. (as of 10/1/2019, may be subject to change – check with Medicare)

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend your appointment please cancel at least 24 hours prior so we can offer it to patients on the waiting list, otherwise a cancellation fee of 50% will apply.

Opening hours

By appointment only. Please book on line or call.

New Patients

Dr Leila Masson’s book are currently closed however if you would like to join the waitlist please complete the new patient form and email